A place for Fortnite fishing enthusiasts to gather and show off their Battle Fishing skills.

Use the links above to check out the Discord or the Leaderboards

Announcement for 2022-10-02

Fortnite Paradise Discord Quest has ended
Glad that fucking lasted more than 5 days or that they gave an official end time...

They should give everyone the rewards for how shitty task two was with 5 storm circles and then them nerfing it near the end...

Announcement for 2022-09-28

Announcement for 2022-09-25

The reminder is actually about 5 hours off, 4 hours remain for submissions

Also, New Weekly's will post later

Announcement for 2022-09-19

Good afternoon Anglers!

A new Fortnite season is upon us and with that is a new Angler Season! Officially entering our first (and full) Season! There are many changes still pending. The website will return hopefully soon as it is being reworked for the new season. Also a change to XP gaining has gone into effect. Instead of doing as many tasks each round as you can we are implementing weekly tasks. We felt that all the other tasks were too much to try and go back and clip and such. Weekly tasks will be announced soon.

Announcement for 2022-09-10

Good morning Anglers!

The current Fortnite season will be ending in a few short weeks and with that will come the Angler XP season reset. Everyone will be reset back to 0 XP.
This season has given us valuable information to make Fortnite Angler Pros better as well and with that there will be several changes to how XP is awarded.
First we will be removing a lot of the meme-y XP awards, fish tossing, fish stick elims, etc... will be removed as we have determined that while fun at first its a lot of work to record or screenshot all those actions. Instead we have decided that weekly tasks would be much better to offer. Simple tasks that you can work on all week. The tasks may still include throwing a number of fish at opponents, or using a harpoon gun to eliminate an opponent and may also include catching a specific fish at a specific location. More details to come once the team has everything set up and approved. If you would like to suggest any tasks please do so using the #feedback channel or if you want to have a say in what we ultimately approved subscribe to the Patreon https://www.patreon.com/fortniteanglerpros Subscribing for as little as $1 per month. With subscription also comes access to the Patreon only #club-flopper
Happy Fishing!

Announcement for 2022-07-30

Hello Anglers!

Wanted to let you all know that Angler Bingo is being moved from the Sept. 3rd to Sept 4th due to scheduling conflict with another event that weekend (Twitch Chicago)

Also a reminder to submit your fish counts and sizes before the leaderboard updates Sunday (Midnight is the cut off typically but I may be lenient and allow up to 9am Sunday, also you can check if the API pulls sizes for you by using the /fishstats command and if there is more than 1 decimal place than it can pull the data)

Announcement for 2022-07-19

Hello Anglers!

First off I want to remind everyone about https://fortniteangler.pro/ as the source for Experience Boards as well as extended Count and Size Leaderboards (Count is not automatic, submissions of counts required, Size is semiauto, if the API has data for you it will update otherwise it will need to be manually entered)

Second I want to formally introduce the Fortnite Angler Pros Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/fortniteanglerpros
Subscribing will grant access to the Club Flopper discord channel and helps pay for Server hosting costs of the bot and website.

Next I want to announce the First FAP Tournament - Angler Bingo - Being held September 3th at 1pm Central, check the events to show interest. Depending on number of people interested it will either take place in a private Battle Lab or Private match, preferably the earlier as the storm wont move for a few hours. Bingo cards will be provided. Not sure what the winners will receive just yet but stay tuned for when that is announced.

Happy Fishing!

Announcement for 2022-07-16


I want to formally introduce the website https://fortniteangler.pro/
I have been hard at work setting it up and everything looking good.
The website will be home to extended leaderboards as well as mirroring announcement posts. In the future there may even be a place for historical fish data.
(The server's are a bit jank so it may take a bit to load but once it's cached it should go faster, refresh is you get a Error 522)

Keep on fishing!